Wednesday, Now the Real Work Starts

Wednesday, Now the Real Work Starts April 16, 2014

I ought to wake everyone up, shattering this sunlit silence, because the piano teacher will shorty be down our throats. Soon it will all be again a matter of shouting for bread and pancakes (am I nearly quoting someone else?) But I'm not going to make pancakes. Not time. It will have to be omelets and muffins and coffee and tea. Plus, I just made fancy pancakes for Alouicious on Monday, on account of his turning ten.

I quadrupled (that's times four for any of you who struggle with math) the recipe and in fifteen short minutes, after slathering crepe after crepe with Nutella or jam while everyone yelled at me, they were all gone and the children were forced to eat birthday cake. It's so discouraging to watch a stack of crepes that took an hour to make disappear that quickly. Discouraging is even too weak a word.

But Alouicious was happy so I guess I should stop fussing. I'm hoping that now he is no longer nine he will be easier to get along with. Not that he's unpleasant or anything, but he acts more like my idea of a first born than Elphine. He manages everyone and bosses and is hyper fairness oriented. I expect he will try to be a policeman and drive the general populace to abstraction (that's just a little joke).

Happy Birthday Alouicious! May God make you into something good! And may the week continue to go on as smoothly as it is now.



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