SDfAoWOP: Leah

SDfAoWOP: Leah April 17, 2014

I tried to post this yesterday but was prevented by some divine forces who struck down the server. Whatever that means. It's not really pertinent to Good Friday, but it's the bible and any bible is better than no bible. Enjoy.

Day Seven

Genesis 29:16

Now Laban had two daughters. The name of the older was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel. 17 Leah's eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance.

Nobody wants to be Leah. Leah with her close set eyes and her pinched plain disposition. Leah wanting the pretty things of her sister, jealous, dissatisfied, hurt by everyone's constant acknowledgment of her unhappy height and awkward mannerisms. Leah, the lady who walks into the room and immediately understands that everyone wishes she had stayed home.

Nevertheless, God wanted her, more than the other. God choose her for the way of life and promise. Even then she had to wait. Even then she had to be fine with everyone's displeasure and unkindness. 'This time,' she waved her exasperated and gawky arms up to heaven, practically dropping baby Judah, 'this time I will praise The Lord.'


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