Why Does Bad Weather Happen To Good People?

Why Does Bad Weather Happen To Good People? April 17, 2018

Oh look, it’s snowing. That’s the new name of this blog. We all thought this daily effort was about theology, life, the collected absurdities of the internet, funny things that children say, how to fail to make a cake, and how to fail to do laundry, and how to fail in general, but it turns out that this blog is actually exclusively about the weather.

Here is a reasonable person having enough already. As for me, I don’t care anymore. I went out and looked at my tulips, which had poked their poor sorry heads just above the ground, three days ago, but I’ve made peace with the fact that I won’t be seeing them again until next year some time. Who cares. I don’t like summer clothes anyway.

Also, bad weather is just another opportunity to consider the deep idolatry of people-kind. At some level, all of us expect that the weather, if it were indeed a force of good and not evil which we naturally imagine that it is, ought to arrange itself for our own convenience and comfort. I am a good person, and I deserve the kind of weather that reflects not only my desires and aspirations, but also my goodness. On Christmas Eve, then, there should be a light dusting of snow. On the Fourth of July it should be hot and bright. On April 17 it should be balmy and clear, the birds should be chirping, and the bees humming. Because that’s what I expect and desire. And I am a good person.

Whereas, in reality, I no more deserve for the weather to be nice than to be congratulated by God for my goodness. As in, that’s not going to happen. Approbation for personal righteousness is not really in the cards. God is not impressed, no matter how early I get up in the morning. Nor is he impressed with you either. I mean, look out the window, look at the snow. Clearly person-kind has done what is evil in God’s sight. We should repent in down coats and mittens.

So, just to sum up, why does bad weather happen to good people? There are no good people. We have the weather we deserve. If it were sunny, that would be grace and mercy. The only thing you have left is repentance. Seriously, try it. Try anything.

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