CS Lewis, Dallas Jenkins, Andy Stanley Podcast and Links

CS Lewis, Dallas Jenkins, Andy Stanley Podcast and Links January 16, 2023

It is a bright, crisp day here in Bing and we’ve done a moderately lengthed podcast about why we think it’s okay to watch The Chosen, and what we like about it and don’t like about it. We manage to say a lot about Andy Stanley as well, and I work really hard to mention KduMez as usual. But we forgot to read the Passion Bible again. Hard to get back into a routine. Hope it’s all you could expect it to be.

I don’t have a lot of links this week. Was super busy as usual.

Here’s the TGC article we mentioned.

This is a couple of years old but still very cool.

This is weird and interesting.

I blogged over at Stand Firm this week about The Chosen, and a second time, and then about the Middle Ages and also about Andy Stanley.

And here is a fantastic sermon and a helpful class.

Have a nice day!

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