You can reunite an immigrant parent with their child! Here’s how.

You can reunite an immigrant parent with their child! Here’s how. June 20, 2018

You can reunite an immigrant parent with their child! Here’s how.

We are raising money for RAICES, the largest immigration legal services provider in Texas. For years, RAICES has been working with some of the most vulnerable members of our society to ensure they receive advocacy and fair legal representation. They have two key goals at this time: directly fund bond to allow parents to reclaim their detained children, and ensure legal representation for every separated family and every unaccompanied child in Texas’ immigration courts (last year, 76% of kids  -over 13,000! – did not have representation)

(If the “Donate” button does not work in the post above,
click here to be directed to the fundraiser page.)

You may have heard the news that the president will sign an executive order today to reunite families. We are hopeful that the president will stop family separation, but that doesn’t mean our work is over or that our focus can go elsewhere. A change in policy doesn’t automatically bring babies back to their mothers or erase the trauma from these innocent kids. RAICES’ work becomes more important than ever.

Once families are reunited in centers, RAICES is ready to move fast. These families will need legal representation, counseling and other crucial services that RAICES will be able to provide to more people at a greater and faster scale than ever before because of these funds.

Make no mistake that the administration is changing course because people spoke out. You spoke out. You showed that you’re not okay with this, that none of this okay, and that you won’t stand for it. This fundraiser started with the hope of reuniting maybe one family, but it grew. It grew so big that it couldn’t be ignored. It grew to a community, to a place that will help all families separated. And it’s groups like this and people like you that are responsible for progress in a matter of days, so that mothers and fathers can hug their children again.

Your voice and actions matter. Keep them going strong.

MATCH ALERT: this fundraiser has been matched up to 360K by several private donors. Thank you, matchers!! We’re still looking for more matching donors – PM an organizer if you can help!

FAQs about who RAICES is, what they will use the money for, other ways you can help.


Keith Michael Estrada

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