December 13, 2017

Some folks are taking the Alabama Senate election results as another way to damage evangelicals' already dented reputation. Read more

December 7, 2017

Another reason for questioning the unifying character of evangelicalism is the way rank-and-file born again Protestants talk about Christianity. Word choices are telling. Read more

December 5, 2017

If you want to be an evangelical in America, you generally need to trace your religious lineage to the Puritans. Read more

December 1, 2017

Religion needs to be in scare quotes. Read more

November 28, 2017

Evangelicalism is not a church. It's a movement, sort of like being a Yankee's fan. You have similar favorites and shared experiences. But you don't actually belong to an institution Read more

November 21, 2017

Americans recover their inner-Puritan. H. L. Mencken summarized the Puritan outlook wittily when he said “Puritanism is the haunting idea that someone, somewhere may be happy.” But in his Book of Prefaces he made an arresting observation about American character and our debt to Puritanism: This is the essential fact of the new Puritanism; its recognition of the moral expert, the professional sinhound, the virtuoso of virtue. Under the original Puritan theocracy, as in Scotland, for example, the chase and... Read more

November 17, 2017

It's a fallen world out there. Someone has to govern. Read more

November 14, 2017

Does liberalism contain the seeds of its own destruction? Read more

November 10, 2017

I continue to be amazed by the positions to which anti-Trumpism leads. Now it seems we want pastors and priests to instruct the laity about politics. At least Lydia Bean does: But it was surprising that Trump did even better with white evangelicals than George W. Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney — three candidates who were better aligned with evangelical moral beliefs. In past elections, conservative evangelical leaders praised these people as “godly men” whose moral character was superior... Read more

November 9, 2017

I have been reading a surprising number of recent posts that raise questions about whether Christians should be as approving of popular culture as we are. Since I grew up in a fundamentalist home, I have having a case of deja vu. For instance, John Piper advises on advice-seeker to trust his instincts and worry about watching movies and television: One of the things that I want to say is that I know there are people who would counsel Craig... Read more

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