Developers Claim Free App Can Identify Who Paid For Political Advertising

Developers Claim Free App Can Identify Who Paid For Political Advertising September 1, 2012

It if actually works, it will be a great boon to those of us who would like to vote intelligently. 

It’s called Ad Hawk. Its promoters claim that it can tell you who paid for the political ads that will be coming at you this fall. And it’s free.

According to Yahoo News, Ad Hawk is “available for download on iPhone and Android” and takes about 30 seconds to identify an ad. The authors advise using a DVR to rewind the ad for identification. Once the software has figured out the ad, 

 … it’ll tell you what group paid for it, then you’re able to view details on them including how much money they have, how much they’ve spent so far this election, what percentage of their ads have been positive or negative, and which political party their ads support.

Ad Hawk is free and was created by the Sunlight Foundation, a non-profit organization, and is expected to be updated on a daily basis as new ads hit the airwaves.

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