Is This Your First Blob of Tissue?

Is This Your First Blob of Tissue? November 16, 2012

No matter how much they may claim that killing is a “right” people who advance the culture of death do what those who want to kill with impunity always do: They obfuscate the language to hide the facts of what they are doing from the world at large — and from themselves.

These twists and turns of ordinary language are not just an attempt to hide the truth of killing, they are also a form of justification. Thus, legalized medical murder becomes “death with dignity,” abortion becomes a “choice,” and embryonic stem cell research is the only hope for “miracle cures.”

In every case of legalized killing, the object of language is no longer to accurately communicate and facilitate analysis and thought. It is used instead as a tool to confuse, delude and shut off an accurate assessment of the situation by hiding the facts of it in plain sight.

The video below pokes a few holes in the language obfuscations of abortion by simply taking the obfuscating language of “choice” out of the vacuum of political debate and putting it in normal contexts.

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