Thousands of Christians turned out to support Hobby Lobby Saturday!
I have one thing I want to say about this: KEEP IT UP !!!
BY MICHELLE BAUMAN/CNA WASHINGTON — More than 64,000 people throughout the U.S. signed up to support Hobby Lobby on Jan. 5 for risking millions of dollars in profit to follow its Christian principles. A Facebook page dedicated to supporting the arts-and-crafts retailer called on “all Americans who value freedom of religion and oppose the HHS mandate’s unfair impositions” to support the company on Jan. 5 by shopping at either their local Hobby Lobby store or online. The national retailer could face fines of $1.3 million per day for following its owners’ religious beliefs, which conflict with a federal mandate requiring employers to offer health-insurance plans covering contraception — including some drugs that can cause early abortions — and sterilization. The Christian family that owns Hobby Lobby holds moral objections to facilitating any type of abortion, including those caused by “morning after” and “week after” pills.
Tens of Thousands Pledge Support for Hobby
Americans who back the Christian-owned company’s refusal
to comply with the HHS mandate are urged to support the
company by shopping there online or at local Hobby Lobby
– Hobby Lobby, courtesy of the Becket Fund