St Basil was Woke. You should be Woke too.

St Basil was Woke. You should be Woke too. April 21, 2022

Martyrdom of St Basil the Great, Source Wikimedia Commons.

St Basil the Great, defender of the Church and martyr, was woke. You should be woke too.

Don’t substitute your politics for the commandments of Christ. That is not the Way.

From The Divine Liturgy of St Basil:

“Free those who are held captive by unclean spirits; sail with those who sail; travel with those who travel; defend the widows; protect the orphans; liberate the captives; heal the sick.

“Remember, Lord, those who are in mines, in exile, in harsh labor, and those in every kind of affliction, necessity, or distress; those who entreat your loving kindness; those who love us and those who hate us; those who have asked us to pray for them, unworthy though we may be.

“Remember, Lord our God, all Your people, and pour out Your rich mercy upon them, granting them their petitions for salvation.

“Remember, O God, all those whom we have not remembered through ignorance, forgetfulness or because of their multitude since You know the name and age of each, even from their mother’s womb.

“For You, Lord, are the helper of the helpless, the hope of the hopeless, the savior of the afflicted, the haven of the voyager, and the physician of the sick.

“Be all things to all, You who know each person, his requests, his household, and his need. Deliver this community and city, O Lord, and every city and town, from famine, plague, earthquake, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreign enemies, and civil war.”

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