Here’s a Loan Forgiveness Program Right Wingers Like.

Here’s a Loan Forgiveness Program Right Wingers Like. August 25, 2022

Copyright Rebecca Hamilton, All Rights Reserved.

Republicans, their media, and, of course, their “religious” organizations — including right wing “Catholic” ministries and apostolates — have raged for the past 24 hours because President Biden actually did something to help America’s young people.

Biden allowed forgiveness of between $10,000 and $20,000 of student loans. Republicans have been wailing and raging and calling down doom in a mass concert of spite for the 24 hours since.

Interestingly, there is another loan forgiveness program that right wing politicians not only support, they used their clout as lawmakers to set up back when Trump was prez. We haven’t heard a peep of outrage from them about this. And we won’t.

The United States Small Business Administration has had a PPP loan forgiveness program for quite a while now.

So why would the right wing be FOR this loan forgiveness?

Probably because they raked in a lot of this money for themselves, and now, they’re getting away without having to pay it back.

If it helps We the People, like say, student loan forgiveness, right wingers declare it a travesty. But if it’s sauce for them, why … shhhhhh … let’s not talk about that.

According to CAP Action, there are a few of the Republican members of Congress who took PPP loan forgiveness for themselves. For example:

Matt Gaetz (R-Fl) $476,000

Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) $180,00

Greg Pence (R-IN) $79,441

Vern Buchanan (R-FL) $2.8 million

Kevin Hern (R-OK) $1,070,000

Roger Williams (R-TX) $1,430,000

Brett Guthrie (R-KY) $4.3M

Ralph Norman (R-SC) $306,520

Ralph Abraham (R-LA) $38,000

Mike Kelly (R-PA) $974,100

Vicki Hartzler (R-MO) $451,200

MarkWayne Mullin (R-OK) $988,700

Carol Miller (R-WV) $3.1 million

Copyright Rebecca Hamilton All Rights Reserved


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