A Disgusting, Lying Press Conference: That’s Our New Normal

A Disgusting, Lying Press Conference: That’s Our New Normal January 31, 2025

Trump, Official Photo. Source White House.

Lies are unsuited to a godless fool — how much worse lying lips to a ruler! Proverbs 17: 7

Donald Trump did his usual after the tragic air crash this week. He held a splashy press conference and lied and slandered to cover his own incompetence. 

As always happens with him, nothing he said had any basis in truth. And, as always, the entire right wing media support machine immediately swung into action, repeating and amplifying his lies. Right wing cable news, all the overpaid pod casters and bloggers, repeated his lies and layered their own on top of his. Clack-clack-clack went the lie train down the tracks.

I’m sure that this Sunday we will find any number of Trump’s whore clergy, waving their Bibles around and adding a vicious cherry of If-you-call-yourself-a-member-of-this-church-you-have-to-believe-these-lies on top the whole stinking mess. 

I won’t dignify Trump’s lies by repeating them. Suffice it to say that they were basically a cover for what he had done himself. 

Fact (not lie): Trump fired a large number of air traffic control personnel a few days before the crash. There is question as to whether or not the head of the FAA was pushed out at Elon Musk’ behest.

FACT (not lie): Air traffic control was understaffed the night of the crash. 

No direct link between Trump’s firing of air traffic controllers and the crash has been found so far, although that is under consideration. But Trump knew what he had done. He knew that he had callously and with no concern for the lives of air travelers fired a large number of the people who keep them safe. He knew he had deliberately endangered the public and that people were now dead.   

I think he went into the press conference shouting “DEI did this!!!” for a couple of reasons. 

1. He wanted to deflect the conversation away from himself and his own deliberate endangerment of everyone who travels by air. It is his long-standing practice to spout a bunch of disgusting and obvious lies (“They’re eating the pets!!”) and then repeat those same lies over and over, thus drowning out any other conversation. 

2. He needs to do this because if the MAGA base ever stops being brain-dead ga-ga over him, he’s toast. If his “base” ever clears mentally where they can see him for what he is, his whole castle of lies, greed, hate and filth will come tumbling down. 

So, sane people who are not under the influence of the satanic oppression of MAGA were dipped into another vat of sewage. And I presume all the little MAGA faithful are now convinced that DEI crashed those planes and that only Trump can save them from a similar fate. 

As usual, I’m not writing this for the poor, spiritually oppressed MAGA. I think we all need to take a few moments of each day to pray for our brothers and sisters who are trapped in this evil cult. But there’s no purpose to reasoning with them. They’re beyond that. 

I’m writing this for the 75 million who fought this and who see it for what it is. Keep the faith my friends. And do not let it come between you and Christ. 

If your priest or preacher goes off into MAGA cult talk, just get up and walk out. Even here in Oklahoma, there are churches where the pastor isn’t a Judas. Find a church where they preach and teach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 

For the Catholics reading this, I would ask you not to be afraid. You are not lost. You have the 10 Commandments. You have the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount. You have Isaiah and the other prophets. You have the constant 2,000-year teachings of the actual Catholic Church. You have Pope Francis. 

You have guardrails. You have the Truth. Follow it. 

If your clergy tell you that lying, theft, bribes, extortion, rape, racism, misogyny, adultery, greed, graft, lawlessness and corruption don’t matter, they are not speaking for Christ. They are speaking for Satan. 

Don’t listen to them. 

Don’t follow them.

Get away from them. 

We’re going to see a lot of performances like the one Trump gave after this tragic crash. People lost their lives this week. It did not need to happen. Trump had fired a large number of air traffic controllers. That will lead directly to these kinds of crashes which will kill other people in the future. And that is just the tip of what he’s doing to the things that keep We the People safe and prosperous. It’s going to get bad. 

Pray for the dead. Pray for the MAGA who are trapped in this cult. Leave your MAGA church and find a real church. And 

Do. Not. Be. Afraid.

Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore, do not be afraid. Jesus Christ. 

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