June 7, 2024

One of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water flowed out. John 19: 34 I can’t provide an erudite theological understanding of the Sacred Heart. In fact, the Sacred Heart as a concept has always confused me. I know that Jesus’ heart was pierced by a soldier’s sword after He died on the Cross and a mixture of blood and water flowed out of it.  I have read that this break down of blood... Read more

June 7, 2024

You don’t have to agree with Joe Biden’s politics to feel compassion for him as he faces another tragedy in his life.  In this day and age, so many of us can recognize our own family in the tragedy of drug addiction which overtook his son Hunter. Many of us have known the suffering of watching someone we love get sucked down the hole of that raw evil.  I have watched helplessly while someone I love destroyed their life with... Read more

June 5, 2024

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” Jesus Christ Jesus gave the Apostles an explicit mission statement.  Go. Make disciples of ALL nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the... Read more

June 4, 2024

President Biden’s son Hunter Biden is on trial right now. This is a federal trial which the federal Justice Department is prosecuting. If Joe Biden was into “rigging” trials, then why didn’t he stop the government from prosecuting his own son? So, did Joe Biden “weaponize” the Department of Justice to “rig” Donald Trump’s criminal conviction of 34 election-interference felonies? The moment the jury foreman said “guilty” 34 times, the well-orchestrated cacophony of right wing sturm und drang began.  I... Read more

May 10, 2024

God speaks to everyone. We try to take ownership of God and confine Him to our denomination, our nation, our color, our sex … to ourselves. We’re like jealous children fighting over which one of us daddy loves the best. But the truth is, the only people who are outside the circle of God’s redemption are those who place themselves there by a free choice of their own will, and they can reverse their decision and turn to Him any... Read more

May 9, 2024

Ascension Day is the day that Jesus started working from home. I saw a meme by the Episcopal Church saying that and loved it.  Ascension Day really is the day that Jesus started working from home. It is also the day when the people who knew and loved Him personally lost His physical presence in their lives for the rest of their earthly existence.  I’ve often thought about how empty it must have felt for them, walking home after seeing... Read more

May 8, 2024

Have the Catholic bishops ever met a rapist they didn’t support? There is one sin that breaks the authority of the bishops like a crystal vase shattering when it hits the floor. That sin is their sordid, obstinate, generational love affair with the sadistic sexual perverts who take pleasure in committing rape.  Catholic bishops covered for, enabled and sometimes participated in the rape of the Church’s children in almost every diocese in every location all around the globe for as... Read more

May 7, 2024

Senator Bernie Sanders made a very stupid comment a few days ago. He said that the war in the Middle East is “Biden’s Viet Nam.”  I like Bernie Sanders. I think he is a sincere and independent-thinking man who really cares about the American people and who has a fully functioning moral code that he applies to his work in the United States Senate. But in this particular instance, Bernie is just spinning yarn.  The war in the Middle East... Read more

May 3, 2024

  Being a superior is something I am very afraid of since I think having souls in one’s charge involves a lot of danger. St Teresa of Avila  So my sheep have been scattered without a shepherd and they have become easy prey for the wild beasts. Exekiel 34:5 Shepherding God’s flock, feeding His lambs, is a grave responsibility. You bishops, priests, preachers of the Gospel, owners and managers of “apostolates,” “ministries,” workers in Christian and Catholic media have taken on... Read more

May 2, 2024

Never to pay attention to the vessel in which I send you my grace … all (your)  attention should be concentrated on responding to My grace as faithfully as possible.  Jesus, speaking to Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska I am writing this post for people who sometimes feel alienated from the Church because of its indifference to them and their suffering. I am writing it for the victims of sexual abuse and rape, of discrimination and prejudice; for the ignored, the despised... Read more

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