When I was a discerner, thinking about becoming a religious sister, I visited a lot of convents. When I first visited the motherhouse of the Daughters of St Paul in Boston, I said to the vocation director, “I like that you have a bunch of mismatched mugs in the cafeteria.” She laughed but then became serious and said, “We live simply, it is how our founder would have wanted it.”
Later I learned that our founder, Blessed James Alberione, told our sisters to buy only the best to further our media mission to spread the Gospel, but for ourselves it was imperative that we live simply.
After three years of living, praying and working with the Daughters of St Paul, I can say that this is true. You will see our sisters with iPads and laptops (often bought by generous benefactors) because using technology to spread the Gospel is part of our mission. But apart from the luxuries necessary to our charism, we live simply and poorly, (with an emphasis on poorly).
Sometimes because of the nature of our mission, people do not realize that we need support from the people of the Church.
We do.
We not only need financial help, but there are people out there (like you?) who are meant to participate in our beautiful mission.
Blessed James Alberione used to say that it is a privilege to be a part of the evangelism mission of the Good Press which spreads the Good News of Jesus using the most advanced means. And this is true. Our mission of the Good Press in the midst of so much that is not good in our media, is so needed today. We work to spread light where there is darkness, and we also live in reparation for the great damage done by bad media. Our sisters can do this only with the prayer and financial support of people who understand the value of our mission.
So, please consider helping our sisters.
We are currently doing a webathon to raise funds. Our goal is to raise $50,000.
As you are reading this, if your heart is moved, if something about the work of evangelism we do in the Church connects with you, God may be calling you to help us and participate in our mission.
May God bless your generosity.
Thank you for your essential role in our ability to spread the Gospel using the most effective means available!