A Real Sister’s Take on #TheSisterhood

A Real Sister’s Take on #TheSisterhood November 26, 2014

The_Sisterhood_Lifetime_convent_reality_showI was going to write something about the new show on Lifetime about discerning a vocation to religious life: The Sisterhood.

After live tweeting the episode with Elizabeth Scalia, Diana von Glahn and the fabulous Daughters of St. Paul postulants, I had a few thoughts.

But everyone beat me to the punch.

Sorry, I was too busy making pecan pumpkin rum pie

One thing most of us had in common was that we were all surprised to actually like the show. I was definitely prepared to dislike it. Sure, there were drawbacks, like the unrealistic format for the discernment, but overall the treatment of the subject was respectful while at the same time entertaining. I hope it helps people understand religious life and draws more young women to consider becoming sisters.

Sr. Marie-Paul summed up a lot of what I would have said in her post on the subject. I especially concur with her desire to pray for these women and all who are in discernment:

Sr. Marie-Paul writes:

How marvelous that what seems to be a positive portrayal of religious life is broadcasting on prime time. What a huge witness these five young women give in sharing their decision to discern religious life! It’s amazing that a secular TV broadcaster is offering time and space for a reflection on religious life at the very beginning of the Year of Consecrated Life (which runs from theFirst Week of Advent this year until February 2, 2016).

Moments I Loved in the Show…and Why:

* When one of the young woman arrives at the door for her first visit to a convent, she sits inside saying over and over, “I’m scared, I’m scared, I’m scared…” Why? Because when I first visited the convent, I was so nervous that I begged my mother who was driving me to turn around and take me home.

* The overwhelming, joyful welcome of each young woman to the community. A wonderful genuine moment.

* The description one sister gave of community life: “One of the greatest challenges and one of the greatest joys.”  Because this is absolutely true.

* The appreciation that the families of these young women expressed about religious life. One father says something like, “Religious are beautiful people.” I was inspired, edified, and touched at their respect and love for religious life.

Read the rest of her thoughts on her website….

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