Worship or Cakes?

Worship or Cakes? September 10, 2006

It seems like cheating to have a big part of my blog entry be about another person’s blog entry, but Liz Opp has posted two in a row that really speak to me. Her post on Quaker Blog Ettiquette resonates with me a lot, though I must admit that I don’t entirely live up to some of her ideas as fully as I might–especially when it comes to seasoning my remarks, both here and in comments on other blogs. I think that’s because though some of my entries come from a spirit-centered place (and, like Liz, I think those are the blogs that speak to me the most, as well as the entries of my own I’m happiest with) other entries are more like a wave hello to friends (and fFriends) who may be stopping by. I guess it’s as if some of my entries are like a worship-sharing, and others are chatting over coffee during fellowship.

I know that, in Wiccan circles, I often felt that there was a way in which the most important thing we did was share that warm connectedness over cakes and ale after the active ritual working of the night. Not that I’d want to skip the working–because I don’t think you can get that depth of communion and friendship except through active spiritual work in a group. But the glow of the candles and the relaxed, loving companionship of a good full moon circle just before bringing it down… I think the Goddess is probably even more present then than in a ritual invocation or even a drawing down. She’s shining out through everybody’s eyes.

I am aware, since experiencing the depth of worship at NEYM, of how much more real gladness I feel during fellowship after worship at Mt. Toby. There are so many people I’m happy to see and catch up with. Of course the words we exchange aren’t as powerful as what we experience in meeting… but they have been much harder for me to ripen into. Seasoned and spirit-filled are two good things for a blog entry to be. But I know my own blog is going to include a certain share of tea and cookies (or cakes and ale, for the Pagans in the studio audience today ;> ) maybe just because I’m at a place where a lot of my current spiritual work is remembering to stay connected to people on ordinary, everyday levels of just enjoying each other…

I think this was a pretty light entry, for instance. But I really do recommend reading Liz’s post–and her previous one, Got Toilet Paper?, a terrific post about answering the call of the ordinary. After all… it’s all sacred.

(Happy smile.)

I’ll write again whenever I get to come up for air next. Everybody, be well.

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