6 Things I Love the Most About the Quran (And Why I Choose to be a Muslim) | Ro Waseem

6 Things I Love the Most About the Quran (And Why I Choose to be a Muslim) | Ro Waseem April 9, 2015

Iqra. Al-Alaq - Wikimedia, public domain
Iqra. Al-Alaq – Wikimedia, public domain

6. The Quran Considers Belief as a Means to an End, and Not an End in Itself:

Do people think that they will be left (at ease) simply because they say, “We believe”, and will not be put to test? (Quran, 29:2)

I am so glad that this verse is so explicit, because so many religious people (Muslims included) today exhaust all their energies on “believing this” and “believing that”, all the while failing to translate that belief into some meaningful action. It is unfortunate that for many, religion has devolved into a list of things they must believe in, in order to be eligible for paradise.

But, it is what you do that is the main concern of the Quran: how you translate that belief into action. And this teaches me that “believing” in values like honesty, justice, loyalty etc. is not the point – living these values is.

And that’s how my faith inspires me to evolve as a human being!

This article is a part of a Patheos Symposium: What Good is religion, anyway?

[Picture Credit: Khaled Atman]

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