Searching for Terms

Searching for Terms May 21, 2012

You know that looking at the search terms that land people on this blog are one of my little thrills, right? It’s almost a voyeuristic pleasure, as if I’m getting to see what it is that people are secretly searching for out there on the Internets.

Here are 9 from the last 30 days, with my comments.

“sweet christian girl”

Sorry, definitely wrong blog for that.

“cool tattoos for guys arm for a dead dad”

I *think* that you’re aiming for a nice tribute to your dad here. Watch your syntax, though.

“tell me what each district stands for in hunger games”

How about asking nicely?

“i want to be skinny pregnant”

I understand how you feel, but please don’t try for that. Read this.

“polly pockets in medieval times dress”

That would be AWESOME.

“jesus eating lunch”

And why not?

tiffani amber thiessen fat thin

Geez, neither! Curves do not = fat

“tim keller eating disorder”

I don’t think he has one. But you never know!

“mom failure overweight child”

No. No, you’re not a failure. You might like to read this.

“woman being eaten alive by stone bear statues”

Uh, ok.

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