From the back of the bus to the head of the free world, in less than 60 years

From the back of the bus to the head of the free world, in less than 60 years December 4, 2012

via my dad, 57 years (almost) to the day since the beginning of the Montgomery bus boycott, this wordlessly eloquent image of the President in Rosa Parks’ seat:

via the White House Flickr stream; Official White House Photo--terms here.
via the White House Flickr stream; Official White House Photo–terms of fair use here.

This image brings me close to tears. Oh, we’re not all the way there, but still: this photo reminds us of how very far we have come.

As my dad says:

“From the back of the bus to the head of the free world, in less than 60 years: how could anyone, regardless of political beliefs, not find this wonderful? Can we share a few moments of bipartisan pride and joy– pride and joy in what we, as a people, are capable of bringing forth on this earth?”

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