A Very Foodie Giveaway

A Very Foodie Giveaway December 6, 2014
Come on now. You could win cupcakes!
Come on now. You could win cupcakes!
Let me be clear: I do *not* think that right now is “the most wonderful time of the year.”
It’s dark. It’s cold. It’s rainy.
And all the news is bad.
You know it’s rough when you start to feel jealous of the cat. My cat spends his time with his head pressed against the heating grate, sleeping, or else eating.
That is the great thing about this time of year. It’s good napping weather, sure, but it is even better eating weather. All the baking you didn’t do in the summer when it was sweltering you can do NOW.
Ditto the soup-making.
And the wine-mulling.
(What?! You don’t mull wine? You’re missing out.)
I rather think that the darkness and the cold and the damp gave those Northern Europeans the idea that what everyone really needed was a little extra festivity, fires, and food.
So, it is in the spirit of offering a little cheer in this sometimes paradoxically gloomy season, I’m teaming up with the following fabulous writers to give away some goodies. Read through their bios, check out their work, and click on the button at the bottom to figure out how to enter.
(And now excuse me. I am off to find some lavender frosting of my own!)
Cara Meredith is a writer, speaker and musician from the greater San Francisco bay area.  She is passionate about theology and books, her family, meals around the table, and finding Beauty in the most unlikely of places. A seven on the Enneagram, she also can’t help but try to laugh and smile at the ordinary everyday. You can connect with her on her blog, Facebook, and Twitter.
Christie Purifoy earned a PhD in English literature at the University of Chicago before trading the classroom for an old farmhouse and a garden in southeastern Pennsylvania. Her first book is forthcoming from Revell. You can connect with her on her blog, Facebook, and Twitter.
Erin S. Lane is author of Lessons in Belonging from a Church-Going Commitment Phobe (forthcoming, February 2015) and co-editor of Talking Taboo, an anthology of writing by young Christian women on the intersection of faith and gender. Confirmed Catholic, raised Charismatic, and married to a Methodist, she blogs about faith, feminism, and, yes, cupcakes on her blog, Holy Hellions. You can also connect with her on Twitter.
Rachel Marie Stone (um, that’s me) is a writer living near Philadelphia. In the past eight years, she has lived in four countries and two states, and will gladly tell you about the various kinds of pizza she ate (or didn’t eat) in each place. Her book, Eat With Joy, won the Christianity Today Book Award for Christian Living. You can connect with her further on  Twitter, and Facebook.
Carina is an etsy shop owner, writes when she can, works with Noonday to advocate for women around the world, and loves food. Preparing it, consuming it, sitting together around a table filled with friends and family enjoying it. She lives in Seattle, WA with her five lively children and one awesome husband, and drinks way too much coffee. You can connect with her on her blog, etsy shop, and Instagram (among other places).
Cara Strickland is a writer, editor, and food critic in Spokane, Washington. She writes about singleness, food, feminism, and the way faith intersects life (among other things) on her blog Little Did She Know. Come say hi to her on Twitter or Facebook. She likes making new friends.


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