7 Reasons Millennials Are So Done With This Election

7 Reasons Millennials Are So Done With This Election July 26, 2016


5.) We Don’t Feel Comfortable In Either Party

Our dissatisfaction with Trump and Clinton extends to their parties as well.

Need I even explain why this is so for the Republicans? Their disgusting homophobia, sexism, xenophobia, and racism is an immediate deal-breaker to most socially-liberal millennials (read: almost all of us). Trump is by no means the progenitor of these attributes, either. These elements have been part and parcel in the Republican platform for decades.

At the same time, the revelation (more like confirmation, actually) that the Democratic Party was clearly biased from the start against our preferred candidate Bernie Sanders isn’t doing them any favors. Yes, most millennials obviously vote blue (when we vote at all). But with the way we were insulted throughout this primary, many of us are waking up to the fact that the Democratic Party has long been taking our votes for granted, and that maybe if they don’t want to actually earn them, we should take them elsewhere.

Which brings us to…

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