7 Reasons Millennials Are So Done With This Election

7 Reasons Millennials Are So Done With This Election July 26, 2016

3.) We’re Constantly Pandered To…

Are you ready to see the most uncomfortable video OF ALL TIME?

What the hell, right? Whose idea was that?

Or, how about…oh God, I can’t even.

3 emojis

There are a lot of examples from Clinton. Does she not pay people to make sure this kind of stuff doesn’t happen? If she does, they need to be immediately fired.

Trump’s desperate bid for Bernie Sanders supporters should be seen the same way: if he really thinks we’d support a xenophobic monster like him just because we don’t like Hillary either, he vastly misunderstands who we are.

Pro tip: treating people like idiots doesn’t inspire a lot of trust or enthusiasm. If we vote, we care about issues. Period.

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