Being Liberal Isn’t Enough

Being Liberal Isn’t Enough December 15, 2016

This poverty caused by the exploitation of the working class is the kindle that sustains the flames of racism, sexism, and xenophobia.  Those poor white people that voted for Trump do hate minorities, but only because they have been indoctrinated into believing that those minorities are holding them back from greatness.  A unified proletariat is a dangerous proletariat, as the socialist revolutions of the 20th century have shown, but the working class is much easier to control if you can convince the white workers that the black workers are their real enemies.  Or the Mexicans.  Or the gays.  Or the Muslims.

So you may wear your safety pin, just like a good liberal.  You may speak out against white privilege, and you may push for a more inviting immigration policy.  You can fly your Pride flag all you want, and you can preach religious tolerance until you’re blue in the face.

But as long as liberalism endures, as long as the few are allowed to exploit the many, and as long as this system of domination predicated on the false idol of “liberty” is allowed to stand, the ideologies that make Trump scary to so many of you will never be defeated.  As long as your personal freedom to hoard as much wealth as you can is put before the collective freedom of the working class from poverty and oppression, poverty and oppression will reign.

The only remedy is true egalitarianism.  Only by rejecting liberalism in favor of egalitarianism can we cut the teeth from these fascist monsters for good.  Only by accepting that riches and wealth at the expense of others is a massively unjust and unsustainable system can we break our chains and create a society where everyone can live comfortably and in dignity, and vanquish bigotry in all its manifestations for good.

Leftists are often attacked for wanting to take the wealth that rich people worked so hard for and distribute it to the undeserving masses, but the truth is that the wealthy did no such thing as “work hard” for their wealth.  They exploited the labor of a working class too oppressed by poverty and too divided by racism and sexism and xenophobia to realize it.  That wealth that your rich heroes have accumulated is the rightful property of the laborers who sacrificed their bodies, their minds, and in many cases their dignity to produce it.

The liberal says, “Whatever you can earn in the free market belongs to you, minus some taxes to pay for what the bourgeoisie-controlled society deems a part of ‘the commons.'”

The leftist says, “Nobody should have two until everybody has at least one.”

It doesn’t matter how much welfare you inject into the economy.  Capitalism will always produce poverty.  Wage labor will always be slavery.  And a system where a nation’s “left-wing” is so decidedly liberal as to be proud of that fact will always lose the working class to fascists who blow hot air about “making America great again.”

Nobody is talking about forcing the wealthy into poverty so that the lazy, uneducated masses can live like kings and queens.  What we are talking about is forcing the wealthy to live like the middle class, so that the very poor can also live like the middle class.  If that bothers you, then you cannot call yourself a compassionate lover of your fellow human beings.

Creating such a world will not be easy.  It will require a fundamental restructuring of society at the most fundamental levels, from economics to politics to culture.

But hey, they don’t call it a “revolution” for nothing.



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