Thanksgiving recipes

Thanksgiving recipes November 21, 2007

Ive been on a bit of a blogging hiatus.

I’m back, just in time for Thanksgiving, I have some special recipes straight from my two junior chefs. I asked Little kids 3 (age 6) and 4 (age 3) how to prepare the holiday bird. I don’t recommend their recipes, but if you try them, let me know how they taste.

#3’s Holiday Turkey

1. You have to get a turkey from Wal-Mart.
2. Chop it up.
3. Put it in the oven and cook it at 100 for a day and a half.
4. Give it to everybody and eat it with bread.

#4’s Yummy Turkey

1. Put chicken and ham inside it.
2. Put eggs inside the turkey.
3. Put in a lot of milk.
4. Put in 5 onions.
5. Put him in salt water.
6. Mix it all together.
7. Put in salt.
8. Put him in the microwave for 5 minutes.
9. Put more salt on it.
10. Cut it into big pieces.
11. Eat it with cookies, salad, and 2 yellow potatoes.

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