A Good Reminder

A Good Reminder January 22, 2008

We had some friends over tonight who are engaged and have no children. I was struck by the amusement and delight they showed in our children. That which made us cringe the most at the obnoxiousness of our children seemed to delight them the most. The cacophony of little voices is something we are blessed with hearing daily and so we tend to either tune it out or beg for silence. Not so our dinner guests. The more raucous it was the better they liked it.

It is something for me to keep in mind on those days when I have the orphanage on speed dial. (Does anyone know how quickly they can get here and pick them up?) The din in which we live is not a noise of anger and irritation. It is the sound of joy and happiness. It is the sound of childhood undiluted by the cares and worries of the world. The raw energy of those who have never had to worry about day to day living. It is a wonderful, lovely sound.

Too often, I take this gift for granted and try to shush little voices so that I can live in my own little world. It was a nice reminder this evening of the gift my husband and I have been given, the gift of laughter.

So, thank you to my dinner guests. For the price of a ham and potato dinner, I got way more in return. May we all live tomorrow with the sense of appreciation for our children that I saw on my guests’ faces tonight.

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