
Resolution January 22, 2008

Back at the beginning of the year, I resolved to crack down on the kids and make them clean up their acts and my house. Then the stomach bug hit us and threw us off track, but we are going strong again.

One of the best things we have instituted has been the morning to-do list. Every child gets one, and it changes from day to day. Even the three year old walks around with hers every morning. How do you make a list for someone who can’t read yet? You draw pictures. Here it is so you can see and admire my artistic abilities:

In case you don’t read pictograph, they are:
Get dressed
wash face
brush teeth
make bed
water plants
put toy dishes in their box

The kicker is that the first one done gets dessert after lunch and the others don’t. I like a little competition first thing in the morning. They must also be done by 9:00 when we start school or no one gets anything. The children must have the list with them at all times until it is completed and I have signed off on all items.

I love it when a plan comes together. (Cue evil laughter)

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