New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions January 1, 2008

Happy New Year to the two or three people who read this humble blog.

I have been thinking all week about New Year’s resolutions. They are kind of silly, and people hardly ever stick to them, so why bother? First of all, because it is a tradition. People ask what is your resolution, and we feel as if we need to have an answer. Second, and more importantly, is the deep desire in all of us to better ourselves, our lives, and our situations. I think that deep down we all realize that changing just one little thing in our own lives will effect everyone around us and how they respond to the things we do and say.

So, my resolution this year is to be a bitch. I know, normally I’m G-rated, but there’s no nice way to say that.

I am a pretty laid-back, go with the flow Mama, and it has affected my whole household. Clutter reigns supreme. Disorganization eats up huge amounts of time. Children move at their own snail’s pace when told to do something if they do it at all.

No more. I resolve for one month to be a yelling, screaming, toy-throwing-away, you will do it NOW!!!!, my way or the highway bitch. I think my children need the shock to their systems.

I am a pretty disorganized person, and most of the time, it works for me. Occasionally, it eats up huge amounts of time as I have to dig and sort for the things I want. My little ones have learned how to be a slob from me. I will admit it. But I want better for them. I want them to have orderly lives. I want them to want things to be put away and not be content to step over things to get where they are going. Pick them up! Put them away! Then you’ll know where they are next time.

So, I resolve to be the enforcer of all rules. A hard-ass, if you will. I’ll let you know how it’s going. If you hear loud yelling, and the wail of “but you threw away my toy”…there is no need for alarm. It’s just me, and my New Year’s Resolution.

Happy New Year, y’all! Now go put your shoes away!

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