Blessedly Boring

Blessedly Boring February 16, 2008

When I was growing up, things were rough. I won’t go into it, or bore you with details. You would probably think I was exaggerating, and I wouldn’t be. I’d get my feelings hurt….it would be drama, and frankly I don’t need that. I’ve had enough. I had a rough childhood, remember?

One of the good things of a life which could be described as soap-opera-esque is that I have a deep and abiding appreciation for normal. Talk to anyone who lived in the House of Crazy at any point in her life, and she’ll tell you how good boring looks.

When I told friends and family that I was going to marry my beloved Computer Guy, they were a little shocked. He just seemed so quiet and subdued compared to anyone I had dated before. My step-mother actually asked me at one point what it was that I had seen in him that attracted me. We seem so different on the surface. How on earth could a cheerleader fall for a computer nerd? As she said, he was so….vanilla.

I guess the secret is that I like vanilla. I’ll take two scoops of everyday, ordinary wonderful over big and flashy any day of the week. When you’ve lived with Crazy, you dream of hum-drum, because it doesn’t look hum-drum to you. It looks like a slice of peaceful Heaven.

So, if you ever meet us in person, and wonder what attracted outgoing me to retiring you know. Other people dream of excitement. I dreamed of holding hands on the couch and watching a movie, of curling up in bed together to read, of cooking dinner in the kitchen. I dream of growing old together in a home which others may see as ordinary, but which I know is thankfully, miraculously, and blessedly boring.

Thanks to the guy who makes my dream of a boring home come true every single day. Boring is not a bad thing to me, to me it’s my own little piece of wonderful.

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