To My Husband…

To My Husband… February 14, 2008

Here’s a list of some of the things I love about you:

100. You can’t imagine that I could possibly come up with a hundred things.
99. You will eat the cheap chocolate your kids gave you this morning, and smile.
98. You IM the kids during the day to say “Way to go on that math test.”
97. When I call during the day, I can tell that sometimes you’re just glad to hear my voice.
96. You are still my soft place to fall.
95. You have Hobbit feet.
94. You try to work out at the Y every day even though the old men in the locker room creep you out.
93. You watch Drake and Josh with the kids and even have a favorite episode.
92. You write beautiful letters.
91. You suffer from the Tim Allen syndrome, and you know it but don’t really care.
90. Together, we can beat anyone at Trivial Pursuit.
89. You are one of the smartest people I’ve ever known.
88. Somehow you don’t get that.
87. You’re hot.
86. You don’t get that either.
85. You don’t smile in pictures because you like to look tough, but don’t think I know that.
84. You still make fun of me for farting on Christmas morning 14 years ago. It’s still funny, but can we let it go?
83. We can sit in the silence together and not have to say a word.
82. You play football with the boys in the backyard.
81. You talk to my belly when I’m pregnant.
80. You know I’m not a jewelry kind of girl, but you want to buy it for me anyway.
79. This post may be one of your favorite Valentine’s gifts ever.
78. You still call your dad for advice.
77. Your parents objected, but you married me anyway.
76. We ate rice for the first three years of our marriage. You never complained, and you still like rice.
75. If someone asks for help, you always say “Yes.”
74. You love our children, and even better, you like them.
73. You try to be the kind of man that you want the boys to be.
72. You change the poopy diapers.
71. You have caught the vomit in your hands and remained calm.
70. You actually liked the guinea pigs, and were sad when they died.
69. You chase the dog around the backyard until she keels over from joy and exhaustion.
68. You have presided over goldfish funerals.
67. The way you are always nice to family, even when they aren’t nice to you.
66. The delight you take in the costumes of #3, and that you show the picture off at work.
65. You always buy Girl Scout cookies if someone asks.
64. I paint the walls weird colors, you don’t complain.
63. I move the furniture around, you don’t complain.
62. You hate change, I change everything, you don’t complain.
61. You’re very tolerant.
60. You go downstairs to brush your teeth and shave in the morning so I can sleep a little bit later.
59. You actually feel left out when you don’t get to go to an Irish dance competition.
58. When you don’t like dinner, you tell me how to make it better, then you eat it anyway.
57. You like your oreos straight from the freezer.
56. You don’t think I’m funny, but you laugh anyway.
55. You mow the lawn so that it gets the same diamond pattern as the golf course.
54. You sing the Prince’s part from “I Know You” from Sleeping Beauty so our three year old can be Princess Aurora.
53. #2 talks in circles for hours, you actually listen and try to keep up.
52. You dragged 4 kids around the marathon route so they could cheer for mom.
51. Met me at mile marker 11 so I could nurse #4.
50. Strong slow hands.
49. That just the word “cowbell” can make you laugh.
48. You save every card I’ve ever given you.
47. The stuffed panda you had as a boy is in your closet.
46. The little boy grin you get when you use your chainsaw.
45. The way my cheek fits perfectly into that spot on your shoulder.
44. That you put your cereal bowl and spoon on top of the fridge so you always have a clean one.
43. How attached you are to your “Dad” pillow.
42. That you play Star Wars with the boys.
41. Your idea of a bedtime story is reading the Star Wars ship tech manual to our sons.
40. You’ve played Pretty, Pretty Princess and been happy when you won.
39. You’ve named all three boys after gunfighters, then tell them to “play nice”.
38. Commutationem timemus.
37. That you know I hate that ear thing…but still try it anyway.
36. Your Beavis and Butthead/King of the Hill impressions.
35. When we watch movies, you tell me when the bloody scenes are over.
34. You don’t make fun of me because I can’t watch the bloody scenes.
33. There are movies you won’t watch because children are hurt/die in them.
32. You can’t watch the “Christian Children’s Fund” commercials.
31. You change the oil in my car, and set the gauge, so that it keeps working.
30. You drive the old minivan so I can drive the cute car.
29. You may never own a firebird, and part of you is okay with that.
28. The other part isn’t.
27. You follow the rules, even when it’s inconvenient.
26. The way you smell.
25. Did I mention the way you smell?
24. It can ruin your day if the Sooners lose, but you’re not a fan.
23. You do the laundry.
22. You never doubted (out loud) my ability to homeschool.
21. You think I should go back to college just for me.
20. The way your voice makes my knees turn to jelly.
19. Your deep appreciation of head rubbing and foot massages.
18. You’re a city boy, but you dream of country living.
17. After 15 years together, I still have to tie your ties.
16. You’re the parent the kids want when they’re sick.
15. You make the best burgers ever. (I know, they need bacon bits.)
14. You read my blog every day.
13. You bought me the stupid ice cream thing I wanted for my birthday, then bought that big cake because I wasn’t wishing big enough.
12. You wanted one child, we had five, and you think you got your way.
11. You helped your dad roof his house when we went to Corpus Christi on vacation.
10. You always wanted to be a cowboy.
9. That thing you do…you know the thing…
8. Four showers a day on a Saturday, one after every lawn you mow.
7. You wash your hands when we get to the restaurant and again when the food arrives.
6. You’re almost as big a cheapskate as me.
5. I can make you feel spoiled you by taking you out to lunch.
4. You think birth is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever seen. You haven’t missed a single one.
3. The sight of our babies’ heads resting on your chest.
2. You know I won’t get your jokes, but you tell them to me first anyway.
1. Because I can’t imagine going to sleep or waking up with anyone else.

I love you, Computer Guy! I’m so glad that God decided I was worthy to be your wife. Happy Valentines Day!

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