
Clutter February 7, 2008

My New Years resolution to be the meanest mom ever so that the kids will pick up has fallen a bit flat. #4 has been sick for two weeks and the baby hasn’t been sleeping, so I’m off my game. Consequently, the whole house looks as if it could pass for the 4th circle of Hell.

It’s crushing, the amount of stuff that lies about the house. It would take days of work for me to get it all cleaned, and with a sick girl and a non-sleeping boy, I have neither the time nor the energy required.

My house is to the point of depressing. I don’t even want to come downstairs. Just looking at it is exhausting. It just sucks the energy out of me to look around, so I hold the sick girl and bury my nose in a book.

I am to the point of taking a trash bag to it and just throwing stuff away. If it’s not important enough to pick up then it’s not important enough to keep. I think I’ll need a nap before tackling it.

In the mean time, no more bitchy mom for me…I’ll move on to my next tactic..Catholic Mom Guilt.

I’ll keep you informed.

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