Guess Who? (The Answers Revealed)

Guess Who? (The Answers Revealed) February 4, 2008

I think my 6 year old may be the cleverest person I know. He can create really cool and elaborate costumes out of almost anything, and spends most days in the land of make believe. Here are some pics of our favorite creations. See if you can figure out who he’s being. (For this once, I will suspend my “no pictures of the kids” rule just because I’m so proud of my funny boy.)







Did you get them all? In case you don’t know some of them, they are:
1. Aladdin
2.Shaggy from Scooby Doo
4.Optimus Prime
5.Perseus from Clash of the Titans
6. Zorro (I know he needs a mask for this, but the one he made was itchy)

How’d you do?

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