Pornography and the Delete Key

Pornography and the Delete Key February 4, 2008

In my real life, yes I do have one, I’m married to The Computer Guy. He helps run the network at a pretty good sized company, about 500 employees. There is something very important I have leaned as The Computer Guy’s wife, and thought I would pass along to you. Call it a public service announcement if you will.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS DELETE! There, now you know. Even when you think you have deleted it, my husband can find it and bring it back. People get involved at work, wither romantically or otherwise. Then it doesn’t work ou, angry emails are exchanged and someone complains to Human Resources. Then it begins. “Show us every email they’ve ever sent each other,” the bigshots say. And my husband does. Someone will lose his/her job over this, and it would have been so easy to avoid. Just don’t use the office email! don’t use the office computer! Every thing you do and write is archived on tape and saved. Forever! Get a free yahoo account. My husband won’t look in there, and it has the benefit of being FREE. Because no matter how many times you think you have deleted that incriminating email, people like my husband can bring it back.

Also, a plea from The Computer Guy’s wife, don’t look at porn while you’re at work. Don’t you know that there are computer guys who spy on you? Not only that, but eventually your computer will break down and you will have to call my husband. If he finds that you have been going to XXX sites, then your computer gets locked and you get fired. Don’t think you can sneak it past him, THIS IS HIS JOB, and as I already warned you…there is no such thing as delete.

I know that his calm, quiet, friendly demeanor may have fooled you into thinking he’s a good guy and won’t turn you in…WRONG! We have lots of Little Kids to feed, and he’s not that good of a guy when covering for you could cost him his job. He likes rules. He likes to follow them. He’s kinda nerdy that way. The nerdy part is why he’s a good computer guy. (It’s also part of why I think he’s hot.)

SO if you’re tempted to go surfing the internet at work at look at a few boobs, resist the urge. Don’t talk dirty to the girl or guy in the next cubicle. Send dirty emails to your OWN wife or husband. That way if you get caught you’re not in trouble. Do it from your new free email account that my husband can’t access. (unless you want him to watch…you sick freak.) But just remember this helpful hint from The Computer Guy’s wife: On your computer and in your life, there is no such thing as delete. If you don’t want someone finding out about it, just don’t even go there.

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