Sts Modestus and Ammonius

Sts Modestus and Ammonius February 12, 2008

Happy feast day of Sts Modestus and Ammonius! C’mon, you’ve heard of them. You know, the children of St Damian? Martyrs? From Alexandria? Egypt?

I’ve never heard of them either. It’s not surprising really. There are so many saints that it is impossible to keep track of them all. They also get overshadowed by Valentine whose feast is a few days from now. Had you heard? St Valentine? Feb 14th? Oh, good.

I couldn’t really find much out about this pair, except that they were martyred with their father. I couldn’t find out anything about their mother, or how old they were at the time. “Children” just isn’t that specific.

I’ve been picturing them about the ages of my own sweet sons, 6 and 8, and huddled next to their father.

How heart-breaking to be a father and not be able to protect your child. I don’t imagine it makes it easier to know in your heart that they are dying for Good instead of living for Evil, and yet have to watch their little lives be snuffed out by someone who simply doesn’t share your religious convictions. He is like the Old Testament widow who watch all of her sons die rather than renounce God, and was so incredibly proud of the men that her babies had become.I suspect that it was more about political expediency than religion on the part of their executioners, but all about God to these three.

What an example of parenting St Damian can be for us, especially those of us who live in areas which are not exactly friendly towards our beliefs. He reminds us to keep our eyes on the prize. Keep looking at Heaven as the ultimate goal of parenting. May we never be in his position, but if we are, may we face it with courage, calm and grace.

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