The Drill Sergeant Is In!

The Drill Sergeant Is In! February 25, 2008

After two months of working with my children on being better disciplined, I am moving on to the next phase. The girls are pretty good. (My three year old keeps asking for help to clean her room, and is upset when it’s messy. Yay Mom!)My boys, however, remain stubbornly slovenly. Bring on phase 3.

As of this morning, they will have carefully planned and organized lives. As I’ve said in the past, I’m very go-with-the-flow, so this will be painful for me as well. Every moment of their little lives is now planned for them. Even their playtime is scheduled. When they show me that they can operate responsibly within the parameters that I set, then I will loosen up a bit. Until then, no dice.

In the past, they have been Teflon. No punishments stick, and I have tried them all. Time-outs, swats, taking toys, you name it. Now we will try the drill sergeants favorite, drop and give me ten.

So, that’s the plan of action for today. You’ve been briefed. No shirking your duty. Ten-hut!

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