Reason to Homeschool #9,000,345,001

Reason to Homeschool #9,000,345,001 March 27, 2008

What does abortion have to do with a child’s education, particularly late-term abortion? Is it a fundamental plank in the government-run schools in America? The National Educator’s Association seems to think so. Why else would they invite Dr. George Tiller, aka Tiller the Killer, to speak in their building for the Feminist Majority Foundation’s leadership conference.

The NEA has endorsed abortion “rights” before, in fact their liberal bias is nothing new. They are openly in favor of promoting abortion, GLBT lifestyles to children, fighting hard against the mention of the word “God” within public schoolc, and yet We the People still tolerate the running of our schools by this gang. Why the citizens of the United States have not thrown them out is beyond me, but I digress. We were talking about Tiller.

They let a murderer into their building to stand up on a podium and speak. This vile man who is facing 19 criminal charges for illegal late abortions was invited to speak in a a building which is owned and controlled by the very people who want to control the education of your children.

Most disturbing of all was the slide show he prepared for his audience. He actually brought pictures of the mutilated bodies of the infants he had killed, and they applauded him. These women, these “Leaders of Tomorrow”, actually got to their feet and offered him a standing ovation as photographs of dismembered bodies flashed by on the screen.

The NEA defends itself of course by wrapping up in platitudes about freedom of speech..blah, blah, blah. These are the people who are teaching your children and they think that the mutilated bodies of murdered babies is freedom of speech.

No sir, not my children. I’ll keep them safely at my kitchen table learning their Algebra and World History instead of sending them off to be taught by someone who thinks that a standing ovation for the self-confessed slaughterer of innocents is a laudable action.

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