She’ll Make a Great Mom

She’ll Make a Great Mom March 11, 2008

As Murphy’s Law should have warned us, our children got sick on our first vacation in three years. Of. course. they. did. But we still got to go to the beach on Wednesday.

It was the warmest day of the week, and everyone was feeling better on Tuesday night. The Computer Guy told our five Little Guys that if everyone felt better in the morning we would go to the beach.

It was a warmish day, and while a bit too cool for swimming (in my humble opinion) the kids could run around and build sandcastles and look for shells. Everyone was feeling better, so we packed the car with all the gear that it takes to transport five children to the beach for a couple hours of play time.

It was 75 degrees outside, so of course the first thing that the big kids did was run into the water. They stayed there all afternoon, cold but happy. #5 happily crawled on the sand and tried to single-handedly eat the entire beach.

#4 sat in a beach chair wrapped in a towel and shivering because she was cold. She is our dramatic child if you remember. She complained all afternoon about the wind and the sun and that her feet were dirty. Couldn’t she just go sit in the car and wait? Couldn’t I wait with her?

I plopped myself down into the beach chair next to her and thought I would just enjoy being at the beach. Wrong! She looked up at me from her terry-cloth cocoon and said, ” Cough. Cough. Mom you said that if we were sick, then we weren’t going to the beach. Well, I’m sick. So, why are we here?”

Ahhh…the student surpasses the master, and at such a tender age. She’ll make a great mom. She has that Catholic mom guilt stuff down cold.

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