Answers At Last

Answers At Last November 12, 2010

After all of the worry, the work, the research and the specialists; we at last have a diagnosis for what is “wrong” with #3.  We spent the morning with the vision specialist.  It took two hours of testing for the doctor to tell his father and me that our son’s world is a confusing and bewildering place. He has an eye issue called Convergence Insufficiency.  In plain English, his eyes do not work together.  He sees the world with double vision, without depth perception, and with an inability to figure out where he is in relation to other objects.  His world tilts and moves and the places where he sees things may not really be where they are.  We have found the source of his anxiety.

We are stunned.  We knew that he had eye issues, but had no concept of how bad his vision truly was.Without correction….I can’t think about without correction….with correction he can lead a normal life.  It has been a morning of breathing deeply and trying to understand the life our boy has been living and wonder that he has managed it so well.  Then the tears start falling because there is something wrong with the boy we love, and out of relief because there is a name and a solution for it.

St Lucy, Pray For Us.

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