Michael W. Smith Saddles Up for Andrea Bocelli’s ‘The Journey’ Theatrical Music Event

Michael W. Smith Saddles Up for Andrea Bocelli’s ‘The Journey’ Theatrical Music Event March 17, 2023

GRAMMY Award-winning Christian singer-songwriter Michael W. Smith joins the world-renowned operatic tenor for a big screen musical experience called “The Journey: A Music Special from Andrea Bocelli,” releasing to theaters in early April. The special also includes singers Tauren Wells, Tori Kelly and Taya as well as Bocelli’s wife and children and Katherine Jenkins, Clara Barbier Serrano, 2Cellos, and 40 Fingers.

Michael W. Smith image by Luca Rosetti courtesy of Fathom Events.

Smith, who previously met Bocelli through the Celebrity Fight Night Foundation, was called upon to join the pilgrimage with one caveat.

“I think the only catch was that they said, ‘We want you to ride a horse for 20 miles’,” he said. “It was so fun, but I have to admit I was pretty sore from horseback riding across the Italian countryside. But it was stunning.”

Having previously owned many horses, Smith had not saddled up for more than a decade, so he turned to a training to help “get my bearings again.” At the same time, Bocelli, who has been blind since age 12 and ridden horses for 50 years, is “really good at it,” Smith said.

“It was pretty awesome to ride with somebody who really can’t see and he’s one-on-one with his horse. What a great experience.”

Smith wrote two songs for the project, including the instrumental title song, and a song he wrote with two of his daughters, his ” post-pandemic song,” which he performed in a 3,000-year-old coliseum lit by 2,000 torches.

“It was just such a moment,” he said.

Following the release of the special, Smith is writing a musical with his daughter Anna and others while continuing a world tour headed to Poland, Romania, Budapest, the Netherlands, Italy and South Africa. He will also be featured on an Easter special with Franklin Graham with the popular evangelist preaching in front of the Coliseum in Rome.

“I recorded four songs at the Fisher Center at Belmont with a full symphony orchestra and 15 amazing singers,” he said. “Visually, it’s just incredible.”

“The Journey: A Music Special from Andrea Bocelli” will release through Fathom Events on Palm Sunday and continue through Holy Week April 2, 3, 4 & 6. For more information or to purchase tickets, click here.

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