October 3, 2024

Every quarter I like to share quotes that I have encountered in my reading and research that have been meaningful to me. I call them “Nuggets of Wisdom.” ***** “The longer-term your perspective, the better the decision you will make today.” —LARRY BURKETT   “Truth is as timeless as God Himself—it never changes. It may be forgotten, neglected, perverted, […] Read more

September 20, 2024

Have you ever given much thought to how your life has influenced other people? That would include being a good influence, but also a bad influence. Unfortunately, too many people just live their lives and never give this much thought. Just recently, I stumbled upon an old, true story that I first read many years […] Read more

September 15, 2024

Robert Roberts writes about a fourth-grade class in which the teacher introduced a game called the “balloon stomp.” A balloon was tied to every child’s leg. When the signal was given, the object of the game was for the students to try to pop everybody else’s balloon while protecting their own. The last child with […] Read more

September 6, 2024

Last week’s blog was somewhat of a commentary on Jesus’ parable of the rich fool. I ended with words on why Jesus deemed this wealthy man to be a fool. He felt secure in his wealth, but failed to account for his mortality. Jesus then ends the parable, calling this man a fool: “So is […] Read more

August 30, 2024

After my previous blog on the “super-rich,” I thought I would continue with additional thoughts on money and wealth. I recently read that eleven of Jesus’ parables are teachings on money and what we should be doing (and not doing) with it. So clearly, this was an important topic to Christ and we should take […] Read more

August 23, 2024

I recently read an interesting book titled, Fables of Fortune. The subtitle caught my attention and was probably the reason I purchased the book—What Rich People Have That You Don’t Want. The book was written by Richard Watts, an attorney and graduate of Harvard Business School. He is the founder and president of Family Business […] Read more

August 16, 2024

When you think of God, his nature and what he is really like, what comes to mind? Many people naturally see him as kind and loving. He is mysterious. I find there are many who believe He is not easy to please. Unfortunately, many see Him as being uncaring. Since the Bible tells us that […] Read more

August 1, 2024

Daniel Gilbert is a psychology professor at Harvard, and is most famous for his international best-selling book, Stumbling on Happiness. Gilbert often tells people that he has spent a great deal of his academic life studying happiness. Much of Gilbert’s research on happiness has been in collaboration with psychologist Tim Wilson from the University of […] Read more

July 26, 2024

Over the last twenty-five years I have been speaking and teaching a great deal on the issue of men and their identities. Your identity, of course, is how you see yourself. For most men, their identity is wrapped up in their work and how successful they are in that work. This can set them up […] Read more

July 18, 2024

In last week’s blog, we looked at man’s greatest psychological need—specifically, finding a life of significance. And I explained that significance is the belief that your life is making a lasting difference. Tony Campolo tells of a study done a number of years ago by a group of sociologists. They interviewed a large number of […] Read more

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