November 22, 2022

I think that the one individual who has had the greatest impact on my personal perspective of death and eternity is C.S. Lewis. As I have examined Lewis’ life, what strikes me is that not only did he have a great intellect, but his Christian faith was a living reality in his life. It was […] Read more

November 22, 2022

I think that the one individual who has had the greatest impact on my personal perspective of death and eternity is C.S. Lewis. As I have examined Lewis’ life, what strikes me is that not only did he have a great intellect, but his Christian faith was a living reality in his life. It was […] Read more

November 10, 2022

There is an interesting verse in II Thessalonians 2:10, where Paul speaks of those people who will spiritually perish because they refused to love the truth. In another passage we are told that Jesus performed many convincing signs and miracles, yet so many of the people refused to believe in Him. (John 12:37) It seems […] Read more

November 10, 2022

There is an interesting verse in II Thessalonians 2:10, where Paul speaks of those people who will spiritually perish because they refused to love the truth. In another passage we are told that Jesus performed many convincing signs and miracles, yet so many of the people refused to believe in Him. (John 12:37) It seems […] Read more

November 3, 2022

There is an intriguing quote that I often share with men as they struggle with life. It comes from the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist John Cheever who said, “The main emotion of the adult American who has all the advantages of wealth, education and culture is disappointment.” I think a lot of us over time begin […] Read more

October 27, 2022

Over the last twenty years, Time magazine has had three cover stories on the pursuit of happiness. In each of these editions they were not examining how happy we have become, but commenting on the rise of unhappiness and discontentment among us. In one of the older but still relevant articles, Geoffrey Cowley quoted psychologist […] Read more

October 23, 2022

What is love? Join Dr. Mark Gignilliat from Beeson Divinity School, as he teaches on the book of Song of Solomon, also called Song of Songs. This book of lyrical poetry is a collection of 10 simple poems, where the couple speaking are freely describing their marital intimacy with joy and freedom. Song of Songs […] Read more

October 14, 2022

So many of the men I work with are in the third or fourth quarter of life. I was recently reading Psalm 90 and came across these words from the Psalmist: “As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, or if due to strength eighty years, yet their pride is but labor […] Read more

October 5, 2022

Every quarter I like to share quotes that I have encountered in my reading and research that have been meaningful to me. I call them “Nuggets of Wisdom.” ***** “If our only main contact with people is electronic, then we can’t have real feelings. We can’t know each other . . . We may get […] Read more

September 30, 2022

In the last few blogs I have reflected back on my own spiritual journey and how the mind and the heart each play a role. First in my mind, I believed that God existed and Jesus was the Son of God. I believed it because I saw that the evidence to believe it was sufficient. […] Read more

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