Rod of Alexandria on Religion and Science Fiction

Rod of Alexandria on Religion and Science Fiction September 30, 2011

Rod has finished blogging through Religion and Science Fiction over at Political Jesus. I must say that I am rather disappointed with how his series ended – with Rod asserting more than once that everything is allegory, and allegory everything. One of the points the book illustrates throughout, and the final chapter emphasized only to apparently have it ignored by Rod, is that the search for allegories in sci-fi (and other literature and films), looking for Christ figures for instance, is the most superficial sort of exploration of the intersection of religion and science fiction. And so when Rod says he doesn’t have a method for exploring religion and science fiction, that very assertion suggests that he needs one.

I appreciate Rod’s series, but I think it important to point out that it seems at times to give a treatment that is only superficial and singular – which is ironic, given the book’s aim of illustrating the range of ways that religion and sci-fi can intersect, and the variety of approaches that can be used to explore the points of intersection.

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