I’m Going to GenCon!

I’m Going to GenCon! August 6, 2013

GenCon is a fun annual event here in Indianapolis. This year, I’ll be going for the first time. Peter Davison and Walter Koenig will be there. I will probably wear a costume. Given the focus of my fandom, I feel it really ought to be something Doctor Who related, rather than the Star Trek uniform my sister got me for Christmas last year. Presumably a jacket and bow tie would do the trick? I would love it if I had the cricket uniform worn by Peter Davison’s Doctor, even though I don’t really have the hair to pretend to be him. Presumably my height best suits my dressing like Sylvester McCoy. Then again, I could wear anything and say I’m the Twelfth Doctor and no one could prove me wrong…

I’m also really pleased that this year, for the first time since I’ve been offering the course, my class on religion and science fiction meets on October 31st. I wonder whether anyone besides me will wear a costume that day.

Although I don’t think I will manage to make it to them, there are a couple of events related to religion at GenCon this year – for instance, a seminar on religious representation in role-playing games.

Have any of you ever been to GenCon – or planning on going this year, for that matter? Have you ever been to something similar? I have a vague recollection of being at a science fiction convention as a child, but have never been for as long as I can remember clearly, at least.


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