Workshop: Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing of Syriac Sources

Workshop: Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing of Syriac Sources June 11, 2018

The Forschungsstelle für Aramäische Studien at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main and its director, Prof. Dr Dorothea Weltecke, are glad to announce the upcoming seminar “Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing of Syriac Sources: Ongoing Projects, Current Issues and Methods in Practice”, an international workshop on ecdotical methods and approaches in textual criticism of Syriac and Garshuni texts organized by Dr Simone Isacco Maria Pratelli and funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Venue: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Campus Westend

Dates: Saturday 07, Sunday 08 and Monday 09 July 2018

Conveners: Simone I.M. Pratelli and Dorothea Weltecke

Participants: Pier Giorgio Borbone, Emiliano Fiori, Philip Michael Forness, Marianna Mazzola, Alessandro Mengozzi, Yonatan Moss and Flavia Ruani, Simone I.M. Pratelli, Anton Pritula, Andrea Barbara Schmidt, Herman Teule and Helen Younansardaroud

Description: the aim is to discuss how philologists work on Syriac and Garshuni texts and study their traditions, and to keep up to date with current ‘philological’ projects, tools and models resorted to through sharing of experiences, opinions and insights of invited scholars. Lectures will be organized through sessions dedicated to crucial issues of philological and ecdotical work, envisaging presentation of concrete case studies and discussion among participants. Languages will be English, French, German and Italian.


Philip Michael FORNESS
Arabic Evidence for Syriac Texts: Addressing Problems of Dating and Provenance.

Marianna MAZZOLA
Bipartite Transmission and Continuations in the Textual Tradition of Bar ‘Ebroyo’s Ecclesiastical History.

Alessandro MENGOZZI
Towards an Edition of the Garshuni Witnesses to the Frame Story of Sindbad the Sailor.

Yonatan MOSS – Flavia RUANI
The Conundrum of Double Attribution: How to Edit the Overlapping Texts of John of Dara (c. 850) and Moses bar Kepha (d. 903).

Transmission of History, History of Transmission: The Case of Bar-‘Ebroyo’s Chronography and Its Continuations.

Attributing and Editing Late Syriac Poetry.

Herman TEULE
Editing Barhebraeus.

Edition ʽAbdīšō‛s “Paradies von Eden”: Methoden und Ergebnisse.

For more information, please contact Simone I.M. Pratelli:

The NISIBIN – Forschungsstelle für Aramäische Studien based at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main ( investigates all aspects of the social life of Aramaeans (often referred to as ‘Syrians’ or ‘Syrian Christians’ in literature), both in their area of origin and in the diaspora. These are in particular language, literature, art, history, sociology and migration, with particular attention to the younger diaspora experience. The Centre is funded by the Stiftung für Aramäische Studien and supported by the Förderverein für Aramäische Studien.


(Via the Hugoye list.)

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