ReligionProf Podcast with Brian Wesolowski, Part 2

ReligionProf Podcast with Brian Wesolowski, Part 2 May 15, 2019

This week’s episode of the ReligionProf Podcast continues my conversation with Brian Wesolowski. As I did for the first part, so too this week I want to provide links to a wide array of content that connects with the theme of our conversation on the podcast, namely the intersection of technology and grace. Hopefully the reasons why I thought these articles would be of interest in connection with this theme will be self-evident in most if not indeed in all cases. If not, please do start a conversation in the comments section below and speculate about – or ask me – what on earth I was thinking!

The Ruin of the Digital Town Square

A Manifesto for Opting Out of an Internet-Dominated World

Turning off notifications at work

How AI is advancing medicine, science, and other areas

AI that summarizes research papers

Neural networks and AI on our phones

Rethinking Adaptive Learning in the Age of Cognitive Computing

Using Machine Learning to Predict Developmental Delays in Children

AI Curricula for K-12 Classrooms

Everything you wanted to know about digital curriculum but were afraid to ask

Cyborg archaeology (yes, that’s really a thing). See also the archaeological insights emerging from old spy plane photos

Steve Wiggins, “In Praise of Paper” (that’s a technology, too, don’t forget!)

Should Facebook be broken up?

A caregiving robot features in this new sci-fi offering

Thoughts about Amazon’s facial recognition software

David Brin revisits the issue of our failure to widely teach programming skills

Media coverage of traumatic events and long-term distress

Some calls for papers have appeared that relate to this topic, such as this one about digital wellness:

Here’s a call for papers related to autonomous vehicles in East Asia:

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