Mormonism, Catholicism, and the Romney Candidacy

Mormonism, Catholicism, and the Romney Candidacy June 10, 2011

That’s the title of my latest entry over at The Catholic Thing. It begins this way:

In a piece recently published in the Catholic and Evangelical portals of the Patheos website, Warren Cole Smith explains why he cannot support Mitt Romney’s candidacy for President of the United States.  “A Vote for Romney is a Vote for the LDS Church” reminded me of the sort of anti-Catholic screeds that were widely published during the presidential candidacy of Senator John F. Kennedy.

Catholics conversant with the 1960 election will recognize in Mr. Smith’s piece the sort of histrionics that were employed against them and their faith in the not-too-distant past. Consider this excerpt from Smith’s essay:

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(Update: Mr. Smith responds to critics, though it was published yesterday before the appearance of my Catholic Thing entry)

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