John Piper Gets Guns….Right?

John Piper Gets Guns….Right? December 22, 2015

John Piper used to be my spiritual hero. Truth be told, I actually had a picture of john-piperJohn hanging in my dorm room at Moody Bible Institute. He modeled everything I wanted to be as a pastor. In recent years, however, as my theology has changed and as Piper has left the pastorate, our theological perspectives have drifted significantly. Piper consistently tweets things that make my stomach turn and represent a kind of Christianity that I don’t even consider truly Christian any longer. But today, on Desiring God, Piper has posted an article in response to Jerry Fallwell Jr.’s (president of Liberty University) chapel remarks where he told students to get guns and concealed carry permits to defend themselves and their school against “them Muslims”, that is one of the best pieces of theology I have seen from Piper in years. In his article Piper essentially makes a case for Christian Pacifism and calls Christian’s to rely on faith in Christ as their defense, rather than placing their trust in guns. Except for a few points about persecution, I generally agree with most of what Piper has written. Here’s an excerpt from his post:

“I  can say with complete confidence that the identification of Christian security with concealed weapons will cause no one to ask a reason for the hope that is in us. They will know perfectly well where our hope is. It’s in our back pocket.”

Remarkable, isn’t it? Christmas miracles do happen after all! To read the article in it’s entirely, click here.  

Grace and Peace!



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