May 28, 2014

A religious leader came to Jesus and said, “What must I do to enter God’s Kingdom?” Jesus replied, “What’s written in the Law and how do you understand it?” The man said “Love God and Love your neighbor.” Jesus said to Him, “Go and do this and you will have life in God’s Kingdom”. But the man asked, “Jesus, who is my neighbor?” Jesus said, “There was this guy going on a trip and he was beaten up, robbed, and... Read more

May 26, 2014

One of the biggest challenges of being a Christian young adult is trying to understand what to do with your sexuality and sex drive. In the conservative Christian world it is unanimously accepted that any kind of sexual activity outside of marriage is sinful and should be refrained from at all costs. This means no masturbation, no intercourse, and for many, no physical interaction of any kind with the opposite sex (other than the sanctified Christian side hug). These kinds... Read more

May 26, 2014

When I became a Christian at the age of twelve, I was quickly informed that I was a “fundamentalist” and we were the “true” Christians who stuck to the fundamentals of the Christian faith. For the next six years I would wear the title with a sense of pride. I was a fundamentalist- yes, a bible thumping, street preaching, republican voting (even though I couldn’t vote…) fundamentalist, just like Jesus.  After six years of hardcore devotion to fundamentalism, I was... Read more

May 24, 2014

About this Series: Revangelicals for a Better Tomorrow seeks to provide a platform for Evangelicals who are involved in substantial action in their communities, country, and world concerning the issues that matter. As Evangelicals (“people of the Good News”) we are compelled to live out the Gospel of Jesus in word and deed, seeking to follow Jesus radical example of unconditional love to our families, our neighbors, and even our “enemies”. Through this series, Revangelical will introduce you to voices,... Read more

May 22, 2014

Over the past few weeks a ton of accusations have been flying around surrounding the horrific sexual abuse scandal that is emerging amidst Covenant Life Church (Gaithersburg, MD) and Sovereign Grace Ministries. Last week, Grant Layman, a former pastor at CLC admitted under oath that he knew of the allegations of sexual abuse but did not report them to the police. Layman is the brother in law of C.J. Mahaney, the founding and former Pastor of CLC during the abuse.... Read more

May 22, 2014

Over the last year as more and more twenty and thirty-something millennial evangelicals have been publishing books, starting blogs, conducting interviews, and speaking to audiences about the renewal that Gods Spirit has been stirring in many of our hearts, there seems to have been an increased amount of criticism from many older Christians who have perceived our zeal to be a sign of our generations great hubris. I have personally received a good amount of angry emails, comments, and Facebook... Read more

May 21, 2014

I suppose it’s a normal thing for brothers and sisters to get in arguments. When you spend so much time together, you’re bound to get on each others nerves. You’re bound to see things differently. You’re bound to step on each others toes once in a while. That’s healthy. It’s normal. It’s part of being a family. And yet every time you get in an argument, you’re forced to work through it. To compromise. To move one. To forgive. Because... Read more

May 20, 2014

About two months ago I began to hear chatter in the evangelical blog-o-sphere about a new book that was going to be released called God and the Gay Christian by a 24-Year old gay evangelical named Matthew Vines. Based on all of the chatter, I assumed that this young guy must be another progressive evangelical who was skillfully exploiting the label to get his voice in the evangelical world. I assumed that his book would use the same tried-and-failed tactics... Read more

May 19, 2014

If you are at all connected to the neo-reformed theological world, then you have been aware of the number of controversies surrounding Sovereign Grace Ministries and its founder C.J. Mahaney (who has played a vital part in The Gospel Coalition since its inception) over the past three or four years. Most recently, it has been uncovered that in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, one of the pastors at SGM’s founding church- Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, MD- had sexually... Read more

May 19, 2014

Dear Church, Let me start off this letter by expressing my deep love and appreciation for you. I have been an active participant in the community of faith for about 10 years now, and I have been profoundly blessed, cared for, loved, and inspired to be a better human being through you. I have also seen — and even participated in — some of your ugliest and most unfaithful moments in recent history. But through all of these experiences, nothing... Read more

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