Call for Submissions: A Womanist Rhetorical Vision for Building the Beloved Community

Call for Submissions: A Womanist Rhetorical Vision for Building the Beloved Community November 26, 2019
Journal of Communication and Religion
Special Issue: A Womanist Rhetorical Vision for Building the Beloved Community


Guest Editor: Annette Madlock Gatison, Ph.D.

In some progressive religious spaces, one might hear calls to “Build the Beloved Community.” The term “Beloved Community” was coined by the early twentieth-century philosopher Josiah Royce (1855-1916). However, many learned it not from Royce but from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who often spoke of the “Beloved Community.” In Dr. King’s Beloved Community, all people share n the wealth of the earth, where poverty, hunger, and homelessness are not tolerated, where racism and inclusivity replace all forms of discrimination, bigotry, and prejudice. Peaceful conflict-resolution prevails; love and trust triumph over fear and hatred, while peace and justice triumph. It will be through a womanist ethic that the Beloved Community is actualized. A Womanist ethos rejects oppression and is committed to social justice and includes all of humanity (Cannon, 1988; Collins, 2000; Madlock Gatison, 2019; Walker 1988; Walker-Barnes, 2019).

The Journal of Communication and Religion publishes original articles that advance theory and research about communication in religious contexts. Articles are expected to use rigorous theory and methodology to develop insightful arguments that further knowledge, understanding, and care about the intersections of communication and religion. Manuscripts should show strong scholarship, exemplary in its research type (either quantitative or qualitative). Writing should be clear, aesthetically pleasing, and effective. Its style should be gender-sensitive. At best, articles will contribute to the stock of knowledge in communication and religion, offering insights that can lead to positive religious, social, and cultural change. Suggestions for revision will keep issues of argument, style, and contribution to the area of communication and religion in mind. The editor makes final publication decisions.

This special issue of the Journal of Communication and Religion will focus on a Womanist rhetorical ethic and vision for building God’s beloved community. Suggested topics include but are not limited to the following:

· African Ancestral Religion
· American Nationalism
· Black Lives Matter
· Community Alliances
· Education
· Economic Equity
· Evangelicals & Fundamentalists
· Health Disparities/Health Equity
· Liberation Theology
· Missions & Global Education
· Political & Social Justice
· Prison Reform
· Racial Reconciliation Theology
· What would Jesus really do?


Submissions for consideration should adhere to the following guidelines:
· Articles must be original work and not previously published or under consideration by another publisher.
· Extended abstract of 750 to 1000 words, MSWord, double spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font.· Use the APA 7th Edition Style Guide for formatting and citations.

· The deadline for submitting the extended abstract is December 16th.

· Notification of acceptance January 10th, 2020

Should you receive acceptance article submissions should adhere to the following guidelines:

· Articles must be original work and not previously published or under consideration by another journal/publisher.

· Articles should be no more than 6,000 words including references and endnotes, MSWord, double spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font.

· Adhere to the APA 7th Edition Style Guide for formatting and citations. Remember to include a 100-word abstract and keywords.

· The deadline for submitting the completed article is March 10th, 2020.

· Provide a brief bio of 250 words and C.V.

Please send your submissions to the attention of:

Dr. Annette Madlock Gatison at The subject line of the email should read the Journal of Communication and Religion and your name.

Questions or concerns please email me at the above address.

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