Trump against “Evangelical Leaders”

Trump against “Evangelical Leaders” January 18, 2023

Trump against “Evangelical Leaders”

I hate to say I told you so, but I also enjoy it. A few years ago I wrote here, and The Hill picked it up, that IF his evangelical supporters do not support Trump whole heartedly and without qualifications on everything that matters to him, he will turn against them.

See on Youtube “Trump lashes out at evangelical Christian leaders” (CNN). You must watch the video because Anderson Cooper and his commentators (who seem to know little about evangelicalism when they call it a “block”) discuss the “whys” of Trump’s angry diatribe against “evangelical leaders,” accusing them of “disloyalty.”

So, again, I say “I told you so”—here and in “The Hill.”

Of course, evangelicals are NOT a solid, monolithic block and the “evangelical leaders” they are talking about are fundamentalists or at least fundamentalish evangelical influencers. And they seem to forget that conservative evangelicals like Al Mohler and Russell Moore never did support Trump (so far as I know and I know they did not after a certain point during Trump’s presidency).

If I have any voice to conservative evangelical leaders and influencers who are determined to support the Republican candidate in the next election, I will point them to John Kasich, a reasonable Republican of good reputation.

*Note: I speak here only for myself and not for any organization or institution. If you choose to comment, make sure your comment is relatively brief (no more than 100 words), on topic, addressed to me, civil and respectful (not hostile or argumentative), and devoid of pictures or links.*

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