Announcing a New Book Discussion: The Upside Down Kingdom

Announcing a New Book Discussion: The Upside Down Kingdom August 28, 2023

Announcing a New Book Discussion: The Upside Down Kingdom

I have sometimes been asked the title of my favorite book of Christian ethics. Without hesitation I can say “The Upside Down Kingdom” by Donald Kraybill.

For those of you who want to read along and discuss the chapters, I will wait two weeks in case you prefer to order a hard copy of the book. It is, of course, available on Amazon for Kindle.

This book is a classic of Christian ethics, especially social ethics but applying to any group of people and their social arrangements. It is radical compared with our typical American preference for hierarchies. (I know we don’t admit that’s our preference, but especially in conservative Christian circles I see it all the time.)

I won’t give anymore away about the book. If you’re interested, look it up and read about it. Then, hopefully, buy it. I think every Christian ought to read it. It’s thoroughly biblical and theologically correct while also being very challenging. Instead of answering “What Would Jesus Do?” (WWJD), Kraybill answers “What kind of community does Jesus want for people?”

I think this is especially relevant in a time when many Americans and others seem to want a “strong man” style of leadership. It’s also relevant in a time when Social Darwinism is on the rise among conservatives, including conservative Christians.

I will aim to begin the discussion of Chapter One on Monday, September 11. Please don’t read ahead. Please only comment on the chapters as we take them and only if you read them. Others may ask questions.

*Note: If you choose to comment, keep you comment relatively brief (no more than 100 words), on topic, addressed to me, civil and respectful (not hostile or argumentative), and devoid of pictures or links*

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